Monday, January 10, 2022

I'm an Introvert. Who are You?


Are you—an Introvert—too?

Soon after I began writing this blog about five years ago I wrote about the problem of loneliness in retirement (click here to read “First You Need a Nest”), and how medical experts cited loneliness as more of a risk factor for early death than even obesity or smoking.

I have often pondered that information in light of the fact that I am, yes, an introvert—certifiably so.  For two of my past jobs, I was asked to take the Myers-Briggs personality test, and both times I was assessed as decidedly introverted.  This came as no shock to me, though I suspect some of my friends were taken aback; and my bosses may have been unnerved since I had been hired for very outward/customer-facing roles.  But as the Myers-Briggs folks will tell you, an introvert is someone who gets his energy, his renewal, from time in solitude and not from interactions with others.  So an introvert may be very sociable, a good conversationalist, even thrive in his interactions with friends, clients, and others.  That’s just not where he most reliably and regularly fills his emotional tank.

As a recent retiree, I wondered whether I should put more time and energy into relationships, spend more time with other people as a way to extend my life.  (Sounds a little selfish, doesn’t it?)  Frankly, I’ve not done a very good job of socializing, especially with the pandemic still raging.  I got some encouragement, however,  when I read an article in Barron’s last week that offered this perspective:

Relax.  As long as you’re not a hermit—and you occasionally mix in some social interaction—you’re not on the road to mental and physical ruin.

“Loners have gotten a bad rap,” said Katharine Esty, Ph.D., a retired psychotherapist in Concord, Mass.  “There’s nothing bad about doing things alone.  It only becomes unhealthy when people become lonely, which is different.”

She describes loneliness as feeling subjectively unhappy with your relationships or lack thereof.  Someone who embraces solitude—and keeps busy and stimulated by fulfilling activities—can spend most of their time alone but never experience the distress of loneliness.

What a relief!  My hobbies are mostly done in solitude.  I enjoy walking alone to clear my head.  Nobody is sitting by me as I write my posts.  And it only takes one person to read a book.  Yet I also greatly enjoy my friendships—crave them, even.  I experience a great deal of joy interacting with friends, or sometimes just hearing from them.  So maybe on the whole I AM balanced and I’m not going to die young; and I will get to enjoy the retirement I anticipated for so long; and will get to spend or give away my nest egg as I choose.

Even if I’m an introvert.

How about you?

Until next time,


“Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where He prayed.” Mark 1:35 NIV*

*Scripture quotations taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version® NIV® Copyright © 1973,   1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™  Used by permission.  All rights reserved worldwide.

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